C Program to Convert Binary Number to Decimal and vice-versa
In this example, you will learn to convert binary number to decimal and decimal number to binary manually by creating a user-defined function.
To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of following C programming topics:
- C Programming Functions
- C Programming User-defined functions
Visit this page to learn how to convert binary number to decimal. Read - Programming language
Example 1: Program to convert binary number to decimal
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int convertBinaryToDecimal(long long n);
int main()
long long n;
printf("Enter a binary number: ");
scanf("%lld", &n);
printf("%lld in binary = %d in decimal", n, convertBinaryToDecimal(n));
return 0;
int convertBinaryToDecimal(long long n)
int decimalNumber = 0, i = 0, remainder;
while (n!=0)
remainder = n%10;
n /= 10;
decimalNumber += remainder*pow(2,i);
return decimalNumber;
Enter a binary number: 110110111 110110111 in binary = 439
Visit this page to learn, how to convert decimal number to binary.
Example 2: Program to convert decimal number to binary
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
long long convertDecimalToBinary(int n);
int main()
int n;
printf("Enter a decimal number: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("%d in decimal = %lld in binary", n, convertDecimalToBinary(n));
return 0;
long long convertDecimalToBinary(int n)
long long binaryNumber = 0;
int remainder, i = 1, step = 1;
while (n!=0)
remainder = n%2;
printf("Step %d: %d/2, Remainder = %d, Quotient = %d\n", step++, n, remainder, n/2);
n /= 2;
binaryNumber += remainder*i;
i *= 10;
return binaryNumber;
Enter a decimal number: 19 Step 1: 19/2, Remainder = 1, Quotient = 9 Step 2: 9/2, Remainder = 1, Quotient = 4 Step 3: 4/2, Remainder = 0, Quotient = 2 Step 4: 2/2, Remainder = 0, Quotient = 1 Step 5: 1/2, Remainder = 1, Quotient = 0 19 in decimal = 10011 in binary
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